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zzxxee | 15:49 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
hows your weekend so far?


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cold..........but tennis is on TV so I'm happy....
Question Author
not a tennis fan myself but if your happy craft thats the main thing x
what's it like in your neck of the woods......I've switched the central heating on....
Question Author
it was raining earlier brightening up a little now with a bit of a breeze not to cold though
Hi zzxxee, weekends fabby so far, just getting ready to go out and then tomorrow a groupdof us are taking part in the Race For Life in Glasgow :P need to get up at the crack of dawn to get there so early night the night ;)
Question Author
good luck hasi xx
cheers zzxxee, we've done it for a few years now and its great fun for a worthy cause :)
Really peachy have spoken and laughed until I cried with a mate -had my hair done (roots lol) made a pot of soup,been to Tescos and that was all this morning.

Now skiving and loving it o and phoning my man to annoy him cos he is p!ssed off and working in Yorkshire and im having an ace time and he cant get home -o well back to the caravan for him with the seagulls fighting on top at 4 in the morning -happy days !!
its cold here .i have a cold and really bad caugh that hurts so much ...
Question Author
poor sleepy altogether now 1 2 3 ahhhhhhhhhhhh xx
Bit boring! lol! But very nice to talk to everyone on here z! ;0)
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your welcome to come to my boot sale tommorow if you like sachs x
You want me to bring my purse? lol! Where are you z by the way?
Question Author
on the outskirts of bristol
hope its dry for u tomorrow zzxxee
Question Author
thanks sleepy x

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