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dont you just wish

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redcrx | 16:44 Thu 18th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
that the firefighters could just turn the hose on the little thug 8106455.stm


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Made my day this afternoon when I saw some rather fit firemen in action on my way home from the library....can't say that the bloke whose house was on fire looked too happy though............
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craft, i picked little CRX up from nursery friday and all the assistants were saying theyd been drooling over the fire crew called out to the doctors next door.

I didnt have the heart to tell them that 2 of the "men" were actually female and another was my fella.
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Vibra, Im not sure theres room for stones and rifles amongst the life saving equipment on a fire engine, but yes, i agree
well you don't exactly expect a female to have a helmet.......
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lol. here come the helmet and hose jokes again.

did any of them fit vibra....
and don't say....well some shook a lot....
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10 posts!
10 posts is all it took for you two to lower the tone!!!

tut tut!

ps. Mr CRXs helmet is way to big for me! :)

they could brain wash him
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a child firing a gun at anyone cant have much of a brain to wash, can they?
dont understand why kids want to do that to fire fighers .hope they never need help anytime from them .
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I dont understand it either.
around here they once deliberatly set a fire, waited for fire crews to arrive and then blocked the street before hurling stones at the fire crews.
the fire crews can do nothing but call for back up from police.

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dont you just wish

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