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ladies help needed

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pinktwink | 01:12 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
wont say womans as theres a man in that!!!!!!!!!!!

why is it that men never change the tiolet roll from the holder when its finished??? grrrrrrrrrr


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Sorry rabbitygirl xxx....................sometimes i reach for the grass and pull out a rabbit..................what can i say?...............sorry and will learn to behave like a respectable cuddly bear should!!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, howwllllllllll and ......woooooffffff!!


Wriggling nose and ears in appreciation yogi!!!!

Nice one, can share some of my porridge anytime..........
just be careful of the hammock.............ok!

It's my pride and joy!


"Why is it that men never change the tiolet roll from the holder when its finished?"

Because their cleaner does it ??
not sure why, maybe they feel its a pointless exercise? maybe they are lazy? maybe they dont care for keeping the house looking good?

some men I have known would quite happily live in a shed
Grizzly Adams?

Davy Crockett?
Blimey, I thought this was just my lazy husband, and didnt realise "its a man thing". Eventually got him to put a new roll onto the holder, by putting the fresh rolls temptingly beside on a stick thing. So what does he do, he puts the old cardboard tube on the cistern. Doh
Does he think I am going to make a Tracey Island (from Blue Peter)?
well i thought i would go above my station and change the empty bog roll in the bathroom for a new one.

was she pleased?


i used the wrong colour the one i put in was meant for the utility room.
Can you make a Tracy Island from a toilet roll?


My ex used to open the new roll, and use a bit, and then stand the new roll on top of the loo roll holder, leaving the old roll on it.
-- answer removed --
With the number of cardboard rolls he has left in past few months I could have built several Tracey Islands Jane !!!
Zacs ...

We'll start putting the seat up when you start to discover what the loo brush is for !!

Or start hitting the water, instead of the side of the pot !!
My "trouble" inadvertantly left a book on the floor beside the b0g, then wondered how it got soaked?

My aim's not as good as it used to be!
Oh, purleeez !!

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