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Son not well

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tamirra | 18:14 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | Health & Fitness
12 Answers
Hi my son is nearly 20 and for a while now has suffered from very bad sweating, during the day and also at night when he wakes and the bed is soaking wet, also has heart palpatations, dizziness, and wee`s about 9 times during the day and gets up in the night to wee. While waiting in the doc surgery today he done his blood pressure and it was 122/50, is this low for his age, we have now got to wait for bloods to come back also urine sample, the doc can feel a mass around his bladder, they have ruled out diabetes, any idea what could possibly be wrong, as im very worried and now got to wait for results. Thanks. x


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The norm for BP is 120/80 tammira. Im afraid I cant help you with anything else. Maybe Squad will. I hope everything turns out well for your son.
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Thank you Chinadog, i did think the pressure sounded on the low side, but the doc didnt seem worried so my sons partner said. Im worried and confused. x
can't offer any suggestions as to the cause tamirra but as a Mum I wish your son well.
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Thank you so much Carmalee, im really grateful for your kind thoughts. x

Blood and urine tests are going to be the key here.

One thing that comes to mind is diabetes insipidus which has 3 main causes a) Pituitary b) kidney c) psychogenic Another thing is drug abuse.

I cannot think of anything that would explain a mass around the bladder of a 20yr old.

Sorry tamirra, you will have to wait for the tests.

One off reading of his BP is a liitle low, but needs repeating.
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Sqad its not diabetes as they done finger prick for that,he certainly doesnt do drugs, im 1000% sure of this, its the mass thats my biggest concern, as mass in my eyes can only mean one thing, but thank you for your help.
tamirra.....NO NO....I am talking about diabetes insipidus..NOT diabetes mellitis.....the are completely different disorders.

Mass in an 20 yr old does not necessarily mean cancer.
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What is the difference between both of them then sqad ? If not cancer then what else would cause a mass, a mass of what, tummors?
tamirra,,,CD has given you a link.

I have said that I cannot think of anything that could be described as a mass around the bladder of a 20yr old.

Your GP could have been mistaken.
I would rule out drugs or piosons.

Speak to the doctors about these.
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Why would you rule out the poisons? i know for sure its definatly not drugs.

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Son not well

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