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To all CB users from the Spare Ed.

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MWB | 01:38 Sat 27th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Please, PLEASE, help us get rid of this vexatious poster, Dot. Thanks.


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PPP,Get rid of the the sheep shaggers
reported for just being pathetic MWB
Dot is the only one with sence here.Why get rid of her?
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Do your worst, dot.
Give her a sheep
Why are people so nasty to one another on this site.
no need MWB. you manage to make yourself look a complete plonker without my help
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I'd rather be a plonker than a liar, dot.
Oh dear,pretending to be the Spare Ed,AND taking their name in vain.
This is a Capital Offence on AB I think?
Do your worst?sounds familer.Has leggg got you brainwashed MWB?
Dont worry MWB she is gradually turning more and more people on here against her as If you don't agree with her then she will turn against you.

Well for an ex shoe seller I don't think that she has had much people skills training.

It will get what it deserves on here soon so dont worry MWB.

Kia ora
Why are you nasty to dot,MWB?
oh sod off knob and grow up
God some of you people are dull.
OMG haukes is going to report you MWB.

I would dig a hole now.

Jesus is this plank haukes for real?
Dot has a job,Unlike you ,layabots.
Dont think so ^ lol

You really are an idiot aren't you

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To all CB users from the Spare Ed.

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