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FAO Lie-in king

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paross | 18:35 Sun 28th Jun 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
Very late today aren't we? Didn't think you would be online now! I forgot I had to go to Wales for the weekend, just got back, so frantically trying to get on.
5A Characterised by impassivity or resignation. -T--C-L


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Yes that is my final answer. Must go now and get some tea, haven't had anything since the hotel 'full english' this morning, and I'm starving! Speak to you next week. P.S. Why are you late online today?
I do try to stick around for most of a Sunday...

...I'm having double sausage, mash & onion gravy - if I've not been forgotten!.. :-)

Be well, paross - speak next week :-))
Question Author
Enjoy! Be well yourself:-)

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FAO Lie-in king

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