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What would you give anything for

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brenda | 00:02 Fri 03rd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
right now?

I'd give anything for a soothing massage to sort out my weary , hot bones, followed by a very large cold G&T.


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It's about the only way you CAN kill them tamb. Tough as old boots - and then some. We get quite a few, because they like nesting round trees and rotten stumps. I swear if one came on me I'd have a heart attack. I don't mind spiders, I can cope with rodents, fogs, snakes - anything but insects.
Lol - *frogs as well.
They obviously aren't looking in the right places! We get odd ones round here. ANOTHER nasty-looking thing as well!! Shudder.
I got one stuck in the leg of my jeans one day. Didn't notice it was there at first, and then saw a lump.....which I prodded....It didn't move, so I thought it might've ben a hard ball of fluff from the tumble dryer. Then it DID move! I pulled those jeans off quicker than a bolt of lightning - and out crawled this stag beetle. OMG.
I saw some grass snakes sun-bathing today - cheeky bu88ers - just where I place the bbq - had to give that up for the snakes!
Lol!!! Hope they didn't get you too rattled! : )

It's ages since i've seen one of those though.
Summer - and I have to don wellies to avoid snakes, hats & overall to avoid beetles; armed with a swat for the stags!
Oh - and that's forgetting the bats ...... am off to my pit stop, nitey
I was just about to put the same! Love bats! Got loads round here. Night hun. xx

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