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my ex wife....

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stokemaveric | 00:09 Sun 05th Jul 2009 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
has just phoned me and told me she has to have a heart gutted because we are still on good terms....have any of you had any expierence of this op? it bad?...and do you know what her recovery time will be?...i have a 12 year old daughter with her and we are so worried....thanx in advance....


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My uncle had a heart bypass 20 years ago and he`s still going strong, they sound worse than they actually are because they involve the heart but they are considered to be a fairly routine proceedure

I`m sure everything will be okay and try not to worry too much, good luck
It really is amazing what they can do medically now stoke, i'm sure she'll be fine. Hope it all goes well.
When I had my lung operation a few years ago I was on a ward with many heart bypass patients,most of them were discharged from hospital within 3-4 days.
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thanx for all your reassuring replies....its so worrying tho thanx again.....
I'm sure you've already Googled on this subject stoke so will have read lots of information about the operation.I think the British Heart Foundation website would be the best place for straightforward,no nonsense info though.
Sorry to hear about your wife's heart problems and your distress. Best wishes to you and your family. xx
My brother in law had a 5 way bypass 7-8 years ago & he is still knocking around. Recovery differs from person to person so she needs to do what the doc's say. It is so nice that you are on good terms after your divorce..................SUPPORT & lots of it she will get through it. Best wishes for a speedy recovery mean Coronary Artery Bypass.

Routine proceedure now and all the posters above confirm the quick recovery times.

Not to worry stoke.
I had a Aorta valve replaced with a metal one way back in `73` and also a pacemaker 5yrs ago and still going strong, so stop worrying, she`ll be out and making your life miserable again in no time at all.
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thanx for all your lovely sure she will be ok.....
My brother had a dopuble bypass in November last, and within a few weeks was feeling so much better and is almost back to normal.

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