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Is it just chatterbank that is failing?

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dot.haukes | 22:13 Mon 06th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Or are all the categories being a pain?


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Quizzes and Puzzles is annoyingly slow. It was slow last night but even slower tonight
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I think the whole site seems to be extraordinarily slow, it seems to be taking forever
There is a gremlin in the whole site.
Oh, that gremlin is here every night, Sam.
He has to change his name regularly.
I actually withdrew forever from the site yesterday due to the appalling response times. I said goodbye and sent a note to AB Editor. Nobody saw my farewll cos it didnt appear. The Editor has also ignored by resignation. ??
As you keep saying, dot.

The new ed will sort it all out.
all the topics are very slow.
evenings are worse for some reason.
Whoever is hosting this site they are not devoting enough resources to its operation.

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Is it just chatterbank that is failing?

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