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what is the form of ....ahem.. wit that

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No,Knowledge | 00:04 Sun 19th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
kookyklown uses?
it does appear to be lower than sarcasm but what's it called?


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I love you too Bob :-)

Although you can be naughty...!!!
Sat 18/07/09

on the contrary knobby i have been quite clear about what i think of them, so before you start on me because you have run out of people to abuse, i'll be going, i am tired. goodnight


Now prey tell who have I abused tonoght apart from your troll mates%%%%%%

klown is sick

i wonder if these tales of abuse are memories or what klown would like to really do?


how can you really say that???

have you ever being abused??

probably not

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what is the form of ....ahem.. wit that

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