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could this site be

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zzxxee | 14:03 Tue 11th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
any slowwwwwwwwwwwerr??????????????????????????????????


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It's normal speed for me, zzxxee.
Question Author
just me then although its picking up a bit
yes, often.
this is a noteworty improvement.
Ooooo , recent posts has gone all bold !
Afternoon, has it been playing up again? I think most users are used to it by now : (
its fine dotty been fine all morning for me

theres someone arseing about with the html making it bold and that may be causing a problem ??
No, not arseing about, unless you believe that MWB intentionally did this.

She forgot to close the html bracket after her smiley face, hence the fact that even the bottom line of her thread where it lets us know how many replies there have been is also in bold.

And so is everything after that.............
Are you sure thats all it was jackie?
There !

MWB's thread has been zapperated and all is returned to normal !?!
Ive just down that twice and its made no diffference

Or does it have to be when you ask a question ?
Pretty much, Para, pretty much...............

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could this site be

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