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fatbjork | 14:46 Wed 22nd Jun 2005 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
Hi, does drinking 1 pint of 7% cider equal 2 pints of 3.5% bitter?


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As these are 'by volume' measures the answer is yes.

By drinking twice the volume of the half strength bitter you would indeed ingest the same quantity of alcohol.

And that's why I get drunk on my cider faster than my husband gets drunk on his lager! That's not true actually; he gets drunk quicker, but he swigs his cans of lager down in minutes and a large bottle of cider lasts me all night, so if you take into account the total volume each we've had, then he has tons more than I do.
So does that mean that 1 and a half pints of 50/50 cider/lager will be the same as 1 pint of cider or two bitter?

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