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what a peaceful place today

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NoK | 15:06 Sat 15th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
it's just like a morgue!


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can you hear me coffin'.......
Is it dead quiet?
isnt it just -its dead ..
Ach its saturday avo, lots of folk off out n stuff, the rest canny sign in
ta for the double headling like lol
anyone want any ironing doing?
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i'm gonna have a nap
You would need to do my washing and dry it first Craft. Ta!
right..........well cleaning the oven is looking increasingly attractive................
NoK, we're relying on you to do something macho and entertaining..
has stompe been pestering you for sex nok?
^^ that would make me go for a nap......
Craft however bored I was, I could never consider cleaning the oven to be attractive!

I know you have very kindly offered me the loan of your builder, but can't he entertain you for a few hours first?
no BM.....he's far too energetic for me.....
Just make him do all the work!
Quite possibly. Dead bodies fart and burp a lot initially too.
No dead bodies on here NoK X
Yes I've been asleep and I decided to head out..........slow ....maybe call in later......have fun folks whatever you do..X
Question Author
see you in the pub in about 1/2 hour Razz

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what a peaceful place today

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