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TK Maxx Exeter question

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karma22 | 19:11 Mon 14th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Does anyone know if there is a car park for or near TK Maxx in Exeter. It's at Unit 3 The Exbridge Centre near St. Thomas railway station.


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You just park right outside in the car park Karma :o)
Question Author
Oh so there is definitely a car park there? Is it free do you know? I read a review that said there was a large free car park in the exebridge centre but it was dated 2008 so they might be pay and display by now.
Hi Karma ............... I was in there just a few weeks ago ............ it was still free then :o)
It's a shopper's car park for PCWorld and Boots as well.
T Maxx...You must be joking. The one in Gt.Yarmouth sells a load of rubbish, you'd be better off at Matalan (so my wife says !),x
Question Author
Oh great thanks the builder.

I'm doing some training there - never actually been in one before. Hope its ok! x
Karma,How is the new job going?
Question Author
Still getting into the swing of it. Had induction yesterday and then training in store today. Learning cash office and it seems very complicated at the mo. Hope I can do it! Thanks for asking! x :)

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