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whats going on

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pinktwink | 01:26 Mon 28th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
more posts in the last half hour than the rest of the evening????


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mad innit??
It's the company...stimulating-for a change
i should really get some sleep! gotta get up at 7am!!!!!
we know a good thing when we see it
i am going to bed now,medication kicking in, nite nite everyone
I've just said the same thing pink. If we were on here all the time, think how busy the site'd look.
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night slinky yes indeed Ice I havent been on in ages and was bored tonight so popped on seems i picked the right time
Seems you're not alone mamya. Lots of folk've complained of boredom - but see how easy it is to get everyone happy and jolly again? Hope to see you again soon. x
Icey...where's mamya??????
Your lamb thread hun
Question Author
icey that champagne is making you dizzy
How so?
My friend who lives in the sun he likes voddy but I don't know about champagne
Our friend could get used to it. As water is turned into wine, then so voddie could be turned into Krug!
Icey..ya spoke to mamya on THIS thread.........and you dont drink......must be the blonde hair then.
Er...excuse ME. You asked where she was - and she was on your leg of lamb thread at the time????
As she is now......apologies????

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