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Things to do whilst off work

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jb190281 | 22:09 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I probably havent put this in the correct section so apologies....

Ive been signed off work for the next 2 weeks and basically told to relax and de-stress. Any suggestions for cheap and interesting hobbies at home, because I predict daytime TV will drive me mad!!



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saunter down to your local library, book a computer for an hour or so, log onto the library edition of and indulge yourself in discovering all your ancestors and how chilled and stress free family history is, because the records are going nowhere and you have the rest of your life to seek out who saw to it you got here. After an hour or so, pop into the local pub and partake of a gill as you watch the world go by as you contemplate how uncomplicated life used to be.
Ok if the site lets me post here are some i dont know if you are male or female, so take what you want and discard the rest....

knitting, crochet, buy some cheap canvas's and acrylic paints and try being creative, start a scrapbook, go for walks in the local park, go swimming, internet of course, read all those books you have been meaning to read, phone a friend, go cycling, have a massage or aromatherapy, sit in the garden and do nothing, take a neighbours dog for a walk...........

enjoy relaxing and doing nothing....or very little
go for a walk on a beach.......
of course why did'nt i think of that...maybe cos there is no beach near me...

its the ultimate i wish i would win the lotto, i'd buy a lighthouse to live in and walk on the beach every day and listen to the waves every night....i'd be so chilled out, i'd be horizontal... ;-)
silk I would love to live near the sea.......and lets face it in England it's not a great distance to travel wherever you live........
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Just to help you along, im 28 and female. No beaches by me unfortunately, but all the suggestions sound great, keep them coming!
Yea you're right Craft...but i wanna be able to step out the front door and be right on the beach...imagine falling asleep every night listening to the sound of the waves....heaven!!
JB if you get through all the above in 2 weeks then you will be doing just fine..

what do you normally do to relax btw?
there is a property for sale at the moment which is literally on Porthmear Beach in St Ives.........I've seen this place nearly 40 years ago and even though it is higgledy-piggley with only 2 bedrooms I want it.........but it costs more than my place in France.....
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i think thats my problem, i havent been relaxing enough and found myself in this state!

I do love to read A LOT, watch films, cook, so..... i think i will be dead boring for the next 2 weeks, jigsaws, knitting, everything!
I think you should identify what is stressing you out, is it working full time and trying to keep the kids happy and do the school run? it's tough isnlt it? never mind, routine is the key
and don;t fall into the trap of thinking you need to be supermum, also, family history is not a hobby for the elderly or retired, at your age you probably have elderly relatives still alive that you can pump for info, something many people leave it too late to take advantage of
Craft ...if i win the lotto this week i'll buy it and you can come and visit

JB....then do what you love to do to and cook up lots of stuff and freeze it....then when you are back to work you will have a fridge full of ready made meals...will save you time and effort in the weeks to come...and as Dot need to identify how you got to this stage in the first place and put some life/work balance in your life...else you will end up in the same state again!!
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i dont have any kids dot, just a very stressful full time job!
oh................ then probably, the worst is yet to come lol perspective is a great thing.
Flippin hell...took me ages to get back here...but just before i hit the hay for the night.

JB ...why dont you try some muscle's a page which tells you how...

good luck...hope you get back on to read this
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not having kids is part of the stress (long story). but at the moment, things just got to a point where i couldnt take any more and my body suffered. my plan for tmrw - lunch and shopping with mum. followed by a book - next question - any book suggestions??? i like crime/thriller type books!

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