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are you a dressing gown/jarmie person

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Bobbisox | 23:20 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
The nights are cutting in, do you like your comfies on?
(this aint a good post) but I have a vodka induced brain,,,wtf!!!!


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Just having my first vodka Joy. Mind you I have had a couple of pints of cider! He he.

Yes, definitely like vegging out with my dressing gown on. Getting a bit chilly in the evenings now.
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Hya Jan, it's a warm cozy feeling , I love it!!!
Me too - I need comfort
I spend most of my time in pj's and dressing gown,being housebound means not having to get dressed :-)
Much better letting it all hang out in the evening. How's the planning for your charity evening going Joy?
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evening peri, nothing like a good night out with the girls and coming back to a fluffy dressing
Oh, and Mr
I've just come in, first thing - Jammies & Dressing gown. then made a cuppa then came on here.
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it is going ok Jan, thanks for asking, got everything in my
What's that about mr blobbi?
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lol@peri, he's a slim -Jim Mr Bobbi is, and as fit as a butchers
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the eyes are getting heavier, nowt to do with the drink mind you, so I shall bid you all a sweet dreams night,
till the sun rises on another day...poetic or what?
at 8pm its on with slouchy pj`s and bootee slippers and the bars open LOL
Sounds good bobbi. I am exausted these night I fall asleep about 8 and wake up around now and can't sleep then. I even managed to text a friend while asleep and tell her it's time to be in now.
Ich trage lederhosens
I really have no interest in your lifestyle choices nicht
-- answer removed --
I've got 5 different dressing gowns, I've got one fave I wear all the time, even over my clothes.

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are you a dressing gown/jarmie person

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