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WhiteBears | 23:32 Wed 21st Oct 2009 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
oh i think i have a cold, i been having sneezing fits all morning, been shivering, and getting really hot, then cold again, i feel disorientated, and blurry eye site! and always hungry!

more than a cold?? cant remember what a cold feels like cos not had it for two years! my housemates have colds, so i wonder if i caught it of them!


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I've never had a cold so can't help.
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and i forgot to mention, not being able to sleep during the night but really tired during the day. but i wonder if thats due to being anxiety etc (been made redundant this month)
hot and cold sounds a bit more like flu than a cold, but that's a real mixture of symptoms. If it goes on another day it's worth seeing a doctor.
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jno, but i dont have a sorethroat, dosnt feel like a flu hmm
2 hot whiskeys with sugar and lemon, and if your hungry eat something, straight to bed after the whiskeys and you'll wake up grand.
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flob, dont have any whiskey :(
Flu you get aching bones and it banjaxes you.

Never had the flu either.
Well you can try sugar and lemon but it shan't have the same kick to it.
Re u also thirsty? Could be diiabetes have a trip to doctors
A very hot curry will sort you out. Works for me. Mulligatawny soup is good as well.

Hope you get better soon!

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