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As the tone of this site cannot be lowered any more after my flagrant and regretful use of the word "GUSSET'

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AndThenSome | 11:24 Fri 23rd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Ive decided that im going to punish myself by drowing myself in beer,vodka and other assorted punishments! Have a great day/weekend everyone and ill catch up with you soon, its been good fun! All the best...
...Your resident nutter...



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a sensible punishment ATS :D
Tony look - its a thread about you
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As much as i dont want to do it, its the only form of punishment low enough to fit my heinous and horrendous crimes...
well Im sorry but in my opinion anyone who uses the G word should walk the plank
I like the word gusset ATS.

When my boy was born, I bought him two teddies from Mothercare - we called the male one Harold Pickerfinger and the female one Gertie Gusset.

Hhe has them to this day (he's 27 next week...)
peri. there is nothing wrong with the 'G' word, come on you know you like it. lol
LA LA LA LA LA not listening
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Ive actually done the impossible and lowered the the tone ever lower...


Im out of here before the site blows up! ciao!
Personally I don't think you can beat a good old double-thickness cotton gusset..........very hygienic...
Question Author
You can craft, a kevlar bullet proof,fire retardant gusset with vibrating baubles and air conditioning!
oh okay..............
where can i get one of those?
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As the tone of this site cannot be lowered any more after my flagrant and regretful use of the word "GUSSET'

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