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Dockside bars

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glenda99 | 12:42 Sat 21st Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Does anyone live by the docks and more to the point does anyone know whether these kind of bars exist? Seems like a great place to meet strong strapping sailor types wouldn't you agree?
Dodgy dockside bars


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Yes Squad as I was based in Liverpool and in the East end of London (East Ham) as that was where my Regional Offices were.
Sailed from London (King George V Dock) on my first ship and never looked back !!
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red....I was at the London Hospital and the Merchant Navy boys would come through the Suez Canal, go ashore in Port Said, get a dose and the incubation period brought them nicely to the London Docks and the first call was to the VD department at the London. The consultant was a bloke called Dr. Ambrose King who was quite a card and some of the sights of those infected "nobs" were unbelievable......some almost dropping off.

I also worked in Liverpool....Rodney Street for many years.......not doing VD though LOL
Know what you are speaking about Squad. VD Clinics were a regular Port of call for Blood and Urine Test and the sights in there was enough to put you off sex for life....well not quite.LOL
red....well the sights put me off sex with MEN. ;-)
don't think I'd chance anything around Hull docks......
Squad, I could tell you some right stories about the dreaded Pox whilst I was abroad.
You have been in the Medical Profession and you will know yourself !!
5 Min of pleasure then the dreaded Penicillin !! lol
Squad do you remember the old cure for Gonorrhoea....the dreaded Umbrella up the Uthera......God help us all !! LOL
redman...yes I do, but they were nothing compared to the sloughing sores of:

Lymphogranuloma inguinale

Lymphogranuloma venereum.

I would give you some links, but I would be reported..............again.

Google them if you have time.
craft ! I'll meet you in Hull Docks anytime as long as you bring the Cillit Bang !!! lol might even get John Prescott...LOL
redman I wouldn't let anything near my Cilit Bang! Bang in Hull.....
I didn't type that.....
I typed Cl!t............try again..........Cilit Bang!
LOL !!

red. in the 50's I could have taken you to a pub in the Surrey Docks where you could get a "knee trembler" for the price of half a bitter.

I bet you could tell some stories.
Have errands to do so unfortunately must go now before I get seduced by craft !!
Knee trembler Ha Ha !!
See you later

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