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i cant sleep!!!!!!

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zzxxee | 06:26 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
is anyone else awake at this ungodly hour???


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morning the dog was up at 5 as normal so me too, time for my 3rd coffee and a sit down
Good morning to you, been up since 5 myself, put a load of washing on and had a cup of coffee.
Question Author
hello i have some tea and toast on the go good morning x
Just waiting for day light so I can go shopping.
Question Author
i to am heading for a day in town but the rain is giveing me doubts!!!!
Have a good day don't forget your brolly.
Question Author
a brolly is a must today!!!!
Son rang at 5.15am his series 3 landy broke down on his way back from work . I had to go and rescue him and friend....another fun day rummaging under bonnet seems to be on the cards !!
Dry here at the mo, can't be bothered to get dressed yet
Question Author
i got to get dressed soon

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i cant sleep!!!!!!

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