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Did anyone here know it was national AIDS day today?

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daffy654 | 18:42 Tue 01st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I had no idea until I just spotted a tiny article on the BBC website.
I would have thought it would be more widely advertised/promoted.


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Sorry,that should be WORLD AIDS day.
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HIV obviously! lol
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What do you mean by 'thankfully' Lucy?
there has been a bit of a bruhaha about it. I was reading a paper in a mag today, and the journalist was outraged that x factor contestants should wear a ribbon to support it, beccause in their opinion it's far less important than say, wearing poppies
in a mag?? i meant in a cafe!
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I saw a small article about the red ribbons being worn on TV for today on AOL News.
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Try telling that to the millions of people worldwide who live with HIV and AIDS every day of their lives eh bednobs.Stupid bl00dy journalist.
Both causes are important in different ways.
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Did anyone here know it was national AIDS day today?

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