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dizmouk2009 | 23:38 Sat 19th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Evening :)


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hello :-)
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How are you craft?
hi diz how are you, i see they erased our old chat on the motorbike lessons post, and also did you get sorted what you were asking about
fine thanks diz......the Xmas mood is slowly arriving now everything is sorted.
Are you doing anything special over the festive season?
How do. [:o)
Question Author
Suzie I have the memory of a dead fish, what question was I asking? :)
Did you sort out the lessons etc?

I don't have anything on craft, I spent 6 hours babysitting for someone today as they were at hospital with their 4 year old who looks like he has appendicitis. Not great :(
hello mrs.c.....all sorted for Xmas?
-- answer removed --
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What about you craft? you doing anything christmas'y :)?
Hi... just got back and turned the heaters on, cracked open a red wine, and changed into my jimmies. How is everyone? :-)
not for dinner but a few friends are coming round Xmas afternoon so just doing a buffet......
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oh and suzie they didn't erase the chat, they banned me :)
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Hi hi mercy, I'm jolly!, how are you?
Hiya craft. Yeah, more or less. I don't buy that many pressies nowadays. A couple of years ago we decided we'd buy mainly for the kids. We are a huge family so it makes shopping much easier.

How about you? Do you buy for everyone, grown-ups as well as little 'uns?
Not three bad, dizmouk ! How are you?
No mrs c......I buy for the daughter and a few close friends, I just give my nephews money. The daughter was laughing 'cos I still think of my nephews as children,,,,,,one's a teacher and the other's a doctor. They do however always send me lovely thank you letters.
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I'm great! I will be even better when suzie tells me she wants motorbike lessons from my ex instructor :D
That's nice craft. Lovely to get a thank you letter (I must admit I've never had one). [:o(

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