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I'm bored. Does anyone have good (Or bad) joke to tell? Your humor WILL be appreciated by me...

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bigbrain_biggerego99 | 21:04 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
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I like to go to book stores and say "hello I am trying to find a book titled 'How to Deal with Rejection Without Killin'....... do you have it?"
21:25 Thu 14th Jan 2010
im simple minded therefore i do simple jokes lol
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Three one time beautiful women, now a bit past their best were involved in a car accident and all of them died. The first one to be greeted by St Peter at the Pearly Gates was told that anything and everything in heaven was allowed apart from one thing only and that was to avoid treading on the daisies. In turn each of the other women was allowed into heaven and told the same thing. After awhile it was noticed by two of them that the third woman was chained to an exceedingly ugly and shapeless old man and had to go around chained to him forever. She warned the other two to be very careful not to tread on the daisies or take note of what would befall them. However, after a very long time the second woman accidentally trod on a daisy and instantly found herself chained to another ugly, shapeless and unattractive man. The two women commiserated with one another while the third woman was very careful to avoid even so much as touching a daisy. However, after many months and years the third woman was spied chained to a gorgeous, handsome, buff young man. Open mouthed they said in unison "What did you have to do to get chained to him"? Instead of the woman replying, the man spoke up and said "I don't know about her, but I trod on a daisy."
Two nuns were walking down the street when a man flashed at them. The one on the left had a stroke - but the other one couldn't reach.
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A little boy tells his teacher he saw a dead cat. The teacher said "how did you know its dead?" The little boy said "because I pissed in its ear. "YOU DID WHAT?" the teacher said in disgust. The boy said "You know miss, I bent down and went pssstt in its ear and it didn't move >>>
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Hi everyone. I know it's a bit late, but I want to thank you all for your humor. There are so many jokes, when I've finished reading them, I'll have to read them over again (Bad memory...) so I think I won't get bored for a while.

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I'm bored. Does anyone have good (Or bad) joke to tell? Your humor WILL be appreciated by me...

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