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ayabrea38 | 03:08 Sun 17th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why my Mum said dont drink
Why my Dad said there are some silly people in this world we will never understand
Why people should listen when they are told you cannot hold your drink
Why bullies are so sad
Why being the bigger person aint so bad
anyone else...


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You do well to heed your elders aya, goodnight and don`t think all are like you have seen examples of here tonight, there are very good people.

Mamya ♥
See above for an example of a mixed up sad sack
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My dad told me not to talk to a born rebel ;)
Question Author
Night Mamya,I know tonight is a bit out of the usual.Snooze well, Aya x
At last it appears some answers are being removed!
Don't despair aya, us nice uns will prevail!
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I had a strange,not even going to go there!See ya tomorrow(I hope)Aya x

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