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Cougars and Cubs

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joggerjayne | 21:10 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Could you ??


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what's up JJ!
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Hey, Soc ... x
Could I what?
"could you cougars and cubs?"
Umm, call me thick but what the funicular-railway are you on about?
Question Author
Cougars ... women who date much younger men

Cubs ... men who date much older women

Personally, I wouldn't baulk at the idea of a hot 20 year old guy !!

Oh. I thought you meant to eat in which case the answer would have been yes. As it stands the answer is now a resounding 'NO'..... bleugh... younger men bore the hell out of me and I'm not a patient 'teacher' at the best of times. And most of them look like girls with all this useless metrosexuality and skinny jeans.

The current man hostage is just under ten years older than me and I'm more than happy with that as intellectually speaking that puts us on the same page.... ;0)
and i am sure he would gladly helpyou to get your teeth out too JJ-
Ah ok...the my answer -why not, as long as both are happy and no-one is taking advantage of the other
Well if that's what you want JAYNE find yourself a local one,

Save a hell of a lot on air fares.everytime you fancied a bonk.
I couldnt because I am not interested in young blokes
Sfunny that CAZZZ cos I'm still interested in young bints,

mind you, i couldnt do anything with em,

but i'm still interested. :-)
-- answer removed --
Personally, I don't entertain such idea for me. I'll always think 'the' younger man could be my brother or my son; how could I have an affair with my son or brother?

I'd much rather be an old mans' darling than a young mans' slave.
^ ^ ^ heh heh, ya gotta give that PUSSY credit, ^ ^ ^
i would be your cub, cougar.
Having shared my current feelings on our intellectual likeness with the man hostage, I have been informed that he agrees with that but he takes comfort in knowing he is vastly superior in every other aspect.

What a charmer!

Maybe younger men don't answer back so much....

only a couple Ive dated younger and they are by a couple of months.......a couple older, by a few months I reckon I stay in the middle.... :-))
yep no probs :-)
so where do I find any fit older ones....apart from doc obviously.....
crafty - don't be silly younger is the obvious way to go, you know at your age

right now i think i better leg it 'for i get battered

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