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theonlyone | 22:16 Sat 06th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
when I posted that Q about BM , I also did post an apology,
and she said it was OK ...
I think you should change your username to KNA...


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does that mean I'm a real person, after all?
Bm?! Barmaid? Buildersmate? Bigmamma?!!!!!

Now I am really confused.
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Big ma
hello Barmaid :o)

the BM in question was bigmamma, although I don't know what the apology was about.
Hello Sara!

How are you doing lady?
ahhhh, I've been working too hard and not having enough fun :o(

how about you? did you win with the kids?
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I asked if Bigma was well ..and Kno linked to a post from a Q ..
that I had posted ages ago , Bigma wasn't bothered , but some
people have to keep on like a dog on a bone , and I bet my
neighbours dog is better looking than ???
You brought it up again ............
Now now children play nice!I dunno one late night and you get all cranky.My poor old pc is playing up so please be nice(I dont know how long I've got) :))

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