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What did you buy your partner?

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anotheoldgit | 13:07 Sun 14th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I know a guy who told me he had bought his wife a bag and a belt for Valentines.

He said "at least she would now be able to get on with the Hoovering"


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Why all the fuss over Valentines Day? Just another way of screwing a shed load of money out of people who are lead around by the nose, and feel they must do as they are told through advertising etc, or am I being cynical?
Didnt get a valentine then eltbus?
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We got each other nothing.....
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I did receive a Valentine, and a beautiful red rose from my husband of 46 years, but waht did upset me was at my local super market yesterday morning, watching people pushing and grabbing at bunches of flowers. The flowers are there every day, but the people, unfortunately are not. That is the point I was trying to make, why wait for a particular day to present some one you love with a token?
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I was writing something nice about him then and he tried set fire to my dressing gown so I changed my reply.
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What did you buy your partner?

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