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Anybody seen alice in wonderland yet?

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benny3008 | 18:46 Wed 10th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Going to see it tonight, is it good? is it not worth watching? what are your thoughts? :-)


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Hi benny,

Haven't seen it yet....hopefully this weekend with all the sloth.....heard it's quite good though.....will go to a 3D performance though.

Hope you enjoy it, B :0)
LOL ^ i like the word "though"....what can i say?
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yeh, the one i'm seeing is a 3d showing, i haven't seen a film in 3d yet so should be interesting! :-)
Yes, yesterday,in 3D.

I liked it and thought it a good Tim Burton film. But the first 15 minutes is dull. And Helena Bonham Carter plays the Red Queen as Queenie from Blackaddder.
We saw Avatar in December, when it first opened, in 3D........really great visually, so this should be too......and hopefully you'll like it ...have a good 'un :0)

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Anybody seen alice in wonderland yet?

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