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Sat T/G

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Handbaglady | 11:48 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Please, 31 Ac Psychological condition characterised by a pathological tendency to excessive loquacity (9) ?O?O???E? (I'm sure this is OCD but I can't find another word for it.)
21 Ac To flatten and smooth sheet metal by hammering and rolling (7) ?L:N?S?
Thank you.


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21a Planish
loggorrhea, don't know the other one, sorry
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Thanks very much Sandy-Wroe and maxidragon
21a Planish
31a logorrhoea
31a only need 9 letters!!!
31a found it ...logorrhea.

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Sat T/G

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