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How about a competition called

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theonlyone | 21:30 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
" Who shall I be tonight " in usernames ......... i've not got a clue as to
who is who ...


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evening theonlyone, I know who i am, just got in rom work and I am partaking of one or two gills of bacardi and diet pepsi, i have also aquired on my travels some mini pork pies, some hot cross buns and the latest (and sadly last) Britany Murphy DVD 'Across The Hall' . Has AB been interesting?
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Dot enjoy your evening ..
Hi dot havent had my dinner as yet,because i was working!!
Well, I'll be JtH on account of..................
What's the point in the 'diet pepsi' Dot???
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I am theonlyone , but some users can't decide as to which name
suits their personality , so ......
It has less sugar and so it is better for my teeth, i still have all my own second teeth and you don't get third teeth and so i look after them : )

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How about a competition called

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