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Chicken wings.

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flobadob | 22:47 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I think I could live on them if I had a bottle of sweet chili sauce permanently to hand.


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Nice but enough meat on them
ooh yuck;
Sweet chilli sauce? Wings should be "on fire" buffalo style!
Not enough?
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These are a great range of sauces especially the lime
Sounds good vibra where do you get that
Got some Hot and Spicy ones for tomorrows lunch, but we had some sweet chilli sauce today on noodles with roasted veg and salad and a jacket potato yesterday
I know of someone who only eat the wings from the the chicken.
no - chicken wings are NO way near big enough.....

T-Bone steaks R-U-L-E

hi society thats strange
If I wanted to chew a bone I would gnaw my wrist LOL
This person buys chicken wings by the bags from Costco.
Devilspawn has the right idea, but I'd say chicken wings for a starter followed by a juicy steak and a nice bit of fish as the main course. You just gotta love the ol "Surf and turf"
Bigfoot - only if the turf was a Maine Lobster...... then you are talking my kinda language :)
sorry Bigfoot - I typed wrong - I meant Surf as the Lobster!!!! Its late on a night here!!!!!!!! dooooh
Your paying devilspawn so it can be any lobster you like!
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Vibra - I had the one from Tesco.... and it was mighty fine...... but HELL the Maine lobster in the USA is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC....
sorry to Tesco n all......
Thanks vibrax

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