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RE quiz

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brigitte.gad | 15:06 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
To boysinblue68
How did you know that the quiz I am ends 30th June? Have you the same quiz?
I try and googling, i get few answers- Any tips please then? thanx


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Looks to be an iinteresting quiz. Can you give me info on where to obtain it please brigitte.
or you boy blue as you seem to know all about it
halcyon days;

The Village Hall at Heage
Mixed bag quiz
£1 and SAE

Mrs V Newey
21 Spanker Lane
Nether Heage
DE56 2AT

chqs to: The village hall at Heage
Question Author
to halcyon days
It's a Village Hall Quiz from Heage Derbyshire
I questioned boysinblue68, as they mentioned I got until 30th of June - which I know, I should look on Google which I do - not all answers come up, this why I come onto here.
Question Author
It seems there are a few of you - doing this Heage Village Hall Quiz - what a small world! lol!
brigitte if I may interpret boysinblues comments, I take it to mean you have well over 2 months to enjoy puzzling with this one, which is the name of the game. To ask so early can spoil it for others doing it if they stumble across a list of answers.
Asking for clues later is a different story,happy quizzing .

If you want tips brigitte, try this website for music quizzes:-
Thank you for that information
This one for anagrams:-

or ditloids:-


There are lots more of these sites. Perhaps other people could suggest some for your future use.
brigitte.gad - I took a wild guess that you were doing the same quiz as me. I thought that you asking 28 questions out of a section of 40 meant it was probably the same quiz.

It looks like some other people have given you a few sites to use, but it really is just a matter of doing the hard work yourself. It's amazing how much satisfaction you get when you find an answer by yourself. It can get very frustrating if you spend ages looking and finally find the answer yourself and then find someone has asked on here (or elsewhere) and the answer has been given away to everyone.

I just fail to see what enjoyment anyone can get from getting someone else to give them the answers on a plate - perhaps you can tell me from your perspective? The charity certainly doesn't get any more money if you have 130 answers or any less than that - so I just can't see the point. If you can't find an answer yourself, have a guess or leave a blank space - I can promise you it's quite painless - and, of course, you don't ruin a really great quiz.
oh boys in blue i thought you had deserted us all with your comments , i was quite missing you i have been able to ask questions without any untoward comments from you , so glad you are back have you been on holiday or just lost your voice
smurff ! Why are you called that ??
cos im little had the nickname from one of my jobs , how about you
Well I'm not bright blue but I'm short and getting wider, and hubbie gave me this nickname years ago. Snap :)

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