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Billy in Eastenders ??

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MustangLady | 20:22 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
In Eastenders, is it the same actor that played Billy when he was younger ?


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If you mean Billie, Mustang (confusing having two of them isn't it?) I think it's been posted before that it is the same actor
Yes, it is. It's Devon Anderson. Billie was also played briefly by Bluey Robinson.
Smokey's son saxy?
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Thank you for your replies, yes sorry I'm meant Billie (the teenager) and not Billy Mitchell. you assumed right. Didn't realise it had been posted before, just I was watching it and had no-one with me to ask and thought best place would be AB. thanks again
I made the same mistake a while back Mustang. It's no good - one of them will have to go!
He's no teenager he's 21 and keeps pointing it out to his over obsessive mother.
billy the teenager died in a fire i think?, it was billys nephew or cousin or some kinda relative cant remember
His acting is atrocious....
Wish he`d hurry up and join the army, first job...go find a landmine and jump on it
he was also in hollyoaks as Calvins brother, he got the sack for tardiness
Calvin Nightingale.... now he's gorgeous.
And that's a big change of subject, literally, but my god he is !!
who's he?
WhiteBears: "billy the teenager died in a fire i think?, it was billys nephew or cousin or some kinda relative cant remember "

BIllie the teenager was played by a different actor (see my earlier post). The current Billie is the original actor who played Billie as a child:

Bluey Robinson (sorry, lardhelmet, no relation to Smokey), the 'other' Billie is now a musician: http://www.entertainm...erview-bluey-robinson
I think his name in Hollyoaks is Calvin Valentine Salla - but I agree - Ricky Whittle is Gorgeous. Still can't understand how he didn't win Strictly
Even Chelsea got them muddled when Dot was looking for Billy The Younger!
I prefer Billy the Fish..........he's great!!
Yes she did! Love it!

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Billy in Eastenders ??

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