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Forget redbull.........Lady gaga gives you wings

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bigfoot3000 | 22:19 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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If so hasnt madonna done the same?
Goodness sakes ... watch telephone .. (uncut)
She has a chuff .. not a willy : )
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Allbags are you familiar with the "Tuck and hide" method?
Love it Albags! 'Chuff'?!
Bigfoot, this is not Silence of the Lambs, nor is there any maudlin soundtrack playing in the background, you numpty! Now I think the FBI must search your cellar!!
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Lol, on a serious note shlomo I know she's a woman, well I can't 100% "Know" unless I had a private 5 minutes with her but you get what Im saying.
Hang on...what do you know about this 'tuck and hide' method exactly...hmmmm? *looks suspicious*
*listens to Silence of the Lambs soundtrack*
bigfoot men have had more than that with ladyboys and still havent realised
OOh. I wouldn't like to speculate. Hehe
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For shlomo!
Poodicat, I have methods that allow me to find out whether a suspect looking woman's a man.
buffalo bill
NO!!! There must be no more exposure! Keep it in the house next time, or we'll have to sell it to Warner Bros :)
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No, no, don't get me wrong, it's the blatant keeping women in a well that I have a problem with. And moths. Always the moths...
Bigfoot ...
If I sort of grab the end, and pull it rearwards and grip it with my cheeks, I end up with two curtains, but one hell of a cameltoe.
GaGa doesn't have anything to match mine ... so she's a woman .. right!
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Duct tape can be your friend allbags.
There ya go then ....
That'll keep you occupied for a while ...
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Cheers allbags now I can do this with the missus! http://3.bp.blogspot....0/Duct+Tape+Angel.jpg
But can GaGa do this? .. I suspect not! : )


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Forget redbull.........Lady gaga gives you wings

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