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Checking member profiles.

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NoMercy | 10:02 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
You checked anyone else's profiles yet?

I checked one or two... just to see if they were male or female.


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Hi guys.......redman...may i say you look marvelloussssssssss

ummmm....cute as ever xx

NoM.....maybe i should have stopped in Valencia on the way home if you look like Penelope Cruz......xx

Hope you're all well, my little cherubs.....missed ya..........( a bit! )
Morning Yogi.
Stop lying missed us loads :-) xx
Hey Chuck,

Good to see you......

How's you, matey?
Hi Yogi, Good to see you're about.

Everyone like the members profiles then? No problems yet?

I am a bit worried everything has gone so well thus far!

Chuck, it seems the Jellymen have returned in disguise.

All the best

Spare Ed
Ok, ummmm........i'll admit it.......i missed a lot of included, you sexy little minx xx

Glad to be home, but what a great journey home via Madrid then drove to France......over to the UK.......tiring, but brilliant experience. Just as well, as we were being told that we could get out as late as middle of next week, if we
Hey yogi, I'm good ta, you??

Darn it, my disguise has been seen through by the Ed!!

(Ed, can you have a look at my post on here http://www.theanswerb...k/Question886442.html with regards to users not seeing the tickbox,
Cheers, Spare Ed......thanks for that.......good to be back. :0).

Could be the calm before the storm regards all going well so far, re:avatars......are you sure not the chap who lives at the bottom of our garden?'re avatar looks
Nope. If there's any doubt about a user then looking at the profile they set up is unlikely to clarify their status. Plus I don't really give a monkeys :c)
Fine and funky thanks, young Chuck...........playing "catch up" the next few days here......but what an absolutely beautiful day here on the south coast.....hope it is wherever you all are.

Probably see JJ down on the marine parade later on it's not quite warm enough for her to chill out in the buff, on Black Rock Beach just yet, as she
Hi Chuck, thanks for that. I don't seem to be able replicate it here. Will check shortly.

All the best,

Spare Ed

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