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Extracting part of a DVD

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ojread2 | 11:58 Mon 29th Mar 2010 | Computers
3 Answers
As title really - I need to extract part of a DVD (my copyright) and wonder if it is easy to do? Or even possible
Any programmes out there that I could use to help me with it - or any help full stop would be gratefully received

Many thanks


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I use two free programs which will both edit videos, AVIdemux and VirtualDub.
Google for them both.
Copy the DVD to your computer and edit the VOB file(s). I find Avidemux to be the quicker and easiest for the things I do.
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thank you for your help - very much appreciated =)
Yes, it's easy to do that. You may take a look at this step by step guide, it will teach you how to rip and copy DVD movie to computer, it's easy to understand and works pretty well for me.
For more dvd ripper choices, you may take a look at this dvd ripper review
Hope it helps. Contact me if you have any other question.

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Extracting part of a DVD

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