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Booze Asbo....

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ummmm | 14:46 Sat 24th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Reading about the girl who is banned from every pub and off license in the country..... what age did you first get drunk?


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14............I did more pubbing and clubbing between 14 and 16 than at any other age. Was with the first husband for 18 years and he was teetotal.
Question Author lush :-)
13 and i managed to get arrested for being drunk and disorderly lol
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Lol....what did your parents say?
lol I remember having cider at 14, 14 is a funny age. never been drunk though, only slightly merry, Im teetotal now though so I am almost never merry ;)
In all the years i've been drinking, I've never been falling down drunk. I've nver been sick through drink either. I've developed a hight tollerance i suppose.
about 14 also, was easily getting served in pubs at that age, possibly because I was about a foot taller than most barstaff :)
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I didn't have my first drink until my 21st birthday (besides tasting)

I suppose being brought up in a pub there was no novelty to drinking.
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I'm making up for lost time :-)
my mother had to go to the police station to pick me up, she wasn't overly happy with me. She still goes on about it lol
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Lol....My mother has never seen me drunk.
i've never seen my mother drunk
All my mum's side of the family were big drinkers. My first in-laws only had a drink at Xmas when you were offered a sherry or a snowball.
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I've got to go out now....


See ya later xxx

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Booze Asbo....

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