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Voters denied the vote

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zita-green | 00:51 Fri 07th May 2010 | News
28 Answers
Polling stations were closed whilst voters were still queuing to cast their votes in Warrington, Chester, Lewisham, Sheffield amd others. Does this mean that the result will be open to a legal challenge?


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Not complaining.

Just saying ... !

(and I only go to the pub AFTER I've done my day's business)
have you any definite backup to your pub/bookie theory JJ

The people interviewed all sounded like guests from the Jeremy Kyle Show.

"We 'aven't 'ad our democra'ic rights, we 'aven't."

"I fink it's a disgrace."

Frankly, people like that shouldn't even HAVE the vote !!
they dont deserve a vote then anyhow
If people can't even speak properly, they should hardly be deciding who runs the nation!
ee bygum chuck ya can be a fuzzy one at times

JJ=i believe some cockneys are allowed to place their 'x'
can you adam n eve it

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Voters denied the vote

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