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hollie1586 | 00:18 Sat 08th May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
do men feel the need to fiddle with themselves when they are walking down the street?


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where do you live? I have never noticed to tell you the truth.
It's not just down the street. My son does it constantly....
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Because no one else will
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Don't know how to fiddle; just shake the castanettes.
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Matrons advice is to get proper fitting underpinnings and if you do it too much your eyesight will suffer!
I'm guessing doing it yourself would be less embarrassing than getting someone to do it for you!
Not as much fun though
I don't!

I do that in private just like most men. ;-)
I don't mean to fiddle, but, I have this constant itch on my knee that I'm always scratching. So contact with my old chap is unavoidable.
I don't have pocket linings in my pants as I wait for the Pickpockets to come along and root around. It's the only sex life I've got........
Age ago a lad got on the bus with his girl friend doing something like that (just had his hands down his pants), so I asked him "is that your girl friend?"
"Yeah" he replied.
"Well shouldn't you be holding her hand instead of your b o l l o c k s?" he was unimpressed to say the least.

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