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Good Morning, Naughty Birds

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joggerjayne | 07:28 Sun 23rd May 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have left WBM in bed.

He's asked me to come downstairs and start his thread for him.

I think I've worn him out.


Oh, I almost forgot ... it's a nice day here in Gloucestershire.

Should I stay for breakfast?


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LOL and morning Jayne
Question Author
Hi, chuck x
Morning Seagull and Chuck. X
I just woke up, jumped out of bed in a panic thinking I was going too be late for work and realised it was Sunday just as I was getting dressed! grrrr, so much for a lie in!
Question Author
Oh, no, Chuck ... poor you.

I had a really early night, so I woke up quite early.

Hiya, Hb ... x
well I wondered where he was!

morning all :o)
Question Author
Hi, Sassy ... x

Maybe wbm really is having a lie in.

I hope so. He should have a lie in, every now and again.
Morning, Sara. How's the weather in Hertfordshire? x
Chuck, get dressed!

I could have done with a lie-in, too :o/
morning NoM, it's lovely here. yesterday was fab, the car seats were of bum-burning temperature!
That's Chuck's best avatar, that is !
morning all i wondered what happened to wbm
Good Morning friends
beautiful here in the Toon, I am going to go on my decking about 10is, salad for lunch...omg ummm would love me saying lunch instead of, going to make some bread rolls and then we will have 'seaside sarnies' for tea....or
old habits die hard.
have a nice day ♥
Morning all's a scorcher here in the South East ,
have a good day

I need to even out my arms, my reading arm took a battering yesterday but the other arm is still pale!

Vaguely thinking of jumping on a train to the beach, not sure yet... And I knew I should have brought bacon yesterday, toast and marmite on Sunday, tut... <eye roll>
Morning chick and chaps - right - day two of 'let's get all red and unnecessary' (note to self.. stop reading Nancy Friday books whilst sunbathing!). Feeling daring so might ask a chap out today.. it will be met with a resounding 'no' so perhaps won't bother!...
hi JJ and all-another warm one here- so it is
lol JJ kind of you to take over the tiller:)
Morning everyone !
After such a scorcher yesterday we're overcast and muggy in Perthshire.Glad we made the most of it yesterday.
Have a great day wherever you are :)

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Good Morning, Naughty Birds

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