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gina32 | 09:32 Wed 26th May 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
ive been looking for a nice strong toothpaste, something to make my mouth "zing" which one do you use is it any good? which one is rubbish?


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I have always used colgate - prefer the taste - what about a mouthwash for the zing ?
one toothpaste is much like another, like pericat says a good mouthwash after brushing will give you that 'zing'
I use Arm & Hammer most of the time and it suits my needs, but a good Mouthwash like Dentyl is also ideal.
You will be ready for a good snog after all that ! :-)
Typical red - lol
Hi pericat, happy snogging
Where does the word snog come from ?
Just Googled and found this pericat. Probably not the Gospel but...

Gina - bet you didn't think your thread would turn into this - lol
Back to toothpaste -- Euthymol, slightly medicated but has that Zing...

I use Euthymol as well....
Question Author
i use euthymol and a mouthwash, used to use arm and hammer, might try that again. no i didnt think it would turn out like this lol thanks
I use arm and hammer cos its cheap and perfectly good enough. I think they are basically all the same. My Other Half has to use sensitive. Expensive !!
I love arm and hammer but can't seem to find it in Spain, so I get it brought over by visitors. :-)

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