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bl00dy insurance arghhhh!

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Bobbisox | 12:11 Wed 26th May 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
We decided to look at our Life Insurance and thought for the amount we paid, we would change to another, this up till now has taken 3 months, with the insurers requesting letters from our worries there, not least for me.
Bill is a type 2 Diabetic which is controlled with diet and a couple of pills, he is 6'2" and weighs 14 stone, The GPs are happy with him but the insurer reckons he is a 200% risk and now wants to charge us £60 a month..
sorry fot the



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Bobbi....go to some of these Insurance Company buildings and see the opulence, paid for by the likes of you and me.

They are not philanthropic organizations, but are there to make money.

I understand you annoyance.
Joy - have you tried Axa Sun Life - they don't require any medicals ?
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Hello sqad, Bill is as fit as butchers dog and we get our global holiday insurance no bother, I am dammed annoyed at these 'Tin gods'
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I would imagine they will all be in cahoots with eachother DEN, tell the truth and you are dammed as they
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vibes it is because if anything happened to Bill I would get only half of his BT pension which admittingly is very good +my state pension which, because I am also in receipt of a BT pension, is a reduced one because I paid the small stamp years ago, Bill says he would rather make sure if he died before me then I would be looked after
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nope, but wouldn't they all agree with this outcome now Vibes with information shared?
When I got new house I looked into getting my bloke put on the mortgage insurance incase he lost his job etc and life insurance. Because of my blokes past cancer it was going to cost £180.00 a month.
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I didn't know about that 4get I hope he's well now x
bobbi I said about it when you were worried about your son in law, he found a tumour when he was 22, he been 5 years clear last year x
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oh dear , yes you did 4get, please allow me to apologise, my head was all over the place that dreadful week
Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God?
Another plus on being don't bother with life insurance.
I just chip in because someone suggested AXA. I had a policy for decades that was with a company then swallowed up by AXA and when it came to the day I needed to claim AXA gave me such a bad time that whenever I am now looking for quotes on any cover at all I routinely ask if the quote is for a policy underwritten or in any way connected to AXA. If it is I ignore it and go somewhere else, no matter which way the price difference goes.
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I am having a scout around to see what I can find
Bloody rogues, the lot of
You are too high a risk Bobbi, you might run off with Squad.....:-)
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and live happily ever after in la-la land red...LOL
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bl00dy insurance arghhhh!

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