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Bus crash at Keswick!

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TWR | 11:13 Tue 25th May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Although a lot of these drivers hold a PSV are they trained enough, drive enough to do the job? people I have known that have done this job do NON driving jobs during the day then late on go back to the driving PSV's Is this practice right? & to add, where all the passengers advised to use if fitted, Seat belts.


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sorry, don't quite get what you are saying. Are you saying that the bus driver involved in this crash didn't do enough training? or wasn't current?
Without having all the facts how do you know that the accident was the bus drivers fault?
there has been no official outcome yet TWR?
We dont know, though it could well be that belts werent being worn. the children would have been told to wear belts, but how can anyone police it?

Its a terrible story whatever the cause, people lost their lives and many many more will live with the outcome for the rest of theirs.
You cannot drive a bus unless qualified.

And as Sandy says
It was one of the victims birthday yesterday.
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As the full facts are as yet not known I re/ ask the Q, I am not implying that the driver was to blame, are they trained enough? & yes Davethedog, I am aware of that.
If you are aware of it then you must know that they are trained enough otherwise you don't get the licence
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Dave, there are drivers that hold PSVs that do not drive for weeks, months on end in the transport Industry Including HGVs, If a driver has not been driving the coaches for months have I need to say any more. and again, I am not implying anything.
First of all psv's are now known as pcv's and have been for some time. I have held a pcv for over thirty years in both a full time and part time capacity, I drive now on a part time basis mainly doing school contracts and swimming. From my experience it is impossible to enforce the seat belt rule when you are driving along, even if teachers ensure they are all belted up before leaving the school by the time you reach the school gates the seat belts will have been taken off by the "little darlings" And as regard to the training we are proberly the best trained bus & coach drivers in the world and by next year we all have to hold a CPC (certificate of professional competence) to carry on driving wich i believe amounts to approx 30 hours classroom training. And finally in my experience the worst drivers on the road when driving down country lanes are the local people who should know a school bus or coach is about somewhere but continue to drive like maniacs then look surprised when confronted with a larger vehicle coming towards them.
just heard that the girl who died, not only was it her birthday but her younger brother died 3yrs ago. So sad.
I heard the driver of the car involved was on the wrong side of the road and that the area where the accicent happened is a notorious black spot.
The bus driver probably had very little or no time at all to react to the situation,,i feel sorry for the poor guy.
I agree, it may well be that he may never want to drive a coach again but I hope this isnt the case and I for one wish all concerned all the very best.
They get the same training that you did for your HGV, TWR.

I should know, I hold both licences.

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