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Eurovision Song Contest (Sat. 29th May)

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sprayer | 12:04 Fri 28th May 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Will anyone watch this television extravaganza?, will anybody be placing a bet for the UK. to win? the odds for the UK are at the moment 200/1. finally does anybody care?


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Back at 'cha, redh xx
Hya Yogi
No, no, no.

I would rather have my toe nails pulled out with pliers, get boiled alive in camel urine while eating a deep fried mars bar than watch that bilge.
seem like a good night then for you McMouse...LOL
Hiya Boobi' ok today, hun? xx

"deep fried mars bar" know, McMouse, some people love chocolate bars covered in batter.....weird, eh?
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Well here we are then, The UK winner (ha ha)
Josh UK entry
I beleve Deep fried M Bs are popular north of the border?
Yogi I've been told the deep fried mars bar experience is an initiation ritual undergone in Glasgow by fans of Celtic and Rangers before they sign on the dole.
oh... my.... word.......:0(........dire!

I'll make a bet with you.....if he gets more than 30 points in the competition tommorow, you will get to see my rear end on my avatar when i return in a few weeks time.
Is that something to look forward to I wonder...
Azerbijan to win!!
Depends on the angle and range i take the photo at, rowanwitch xx
Well loking at Yogi's ''bottle 'n' glass'' has to beat watchin Eurovision every time!
Thanks, secsee x....may i say your lips are looking marrrrveloouuussssssss :0)

( think of Dot Cotton, bear ..........ermmmmm Pat Butcher, Subo )

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Eurovision Song Contest (Sat. 29th May)

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