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A change of avatar...

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janzman | 21:11 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
....did anyone notice lol


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Not even a little bit. Sorry.
sorry, I don't remember what you had before. Is that an alpaca? Looks a bit chubby for a llama?
errrmmm yes but you ignored me tut
Hey, fantastic new avatar!

So much better than the old one.
Dot's got a new one too, very smart
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sorry Dot ,I missed that very patriotic new one though.
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You are spot on boxtops, an alpaca it (he/she) is.
It looks like it's wearing a sporting headband, very topical!
I wouldn't like to walk down a dark alley with that scary avatar in front of me China Doll!!
Yikes......part shark, part cat!!!
It's an avatar especially for Fluffy... Not many users get this kind of devotion from me.
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Awh China Doll I'm touched ....I think I must be...anyway Mr Packer and myself say thankyou...
Lol.......that's a great cute name!!

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A change of avatar...

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