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So fuming

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Prudie | 22:00 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
and wound up. Need to sort a problem with a car hire booking so rang customer services and got a foreign call centre. Neither of us could understand one another so I have no solution. It makes my blood boil (the language barrier). Just needed to get that off my chest..


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So ... not sorted, then ?
We've had some gits ringing up every 20 minutes, they say nothing, no number to report - so annoying!!
I found same problem when I had to speak to BT about my broadband

Got pi55ed off, hung up and sent a letter and email to them instead

Is it too much to ask to be able to speak to someone who speaks and understands clear english?
I know the feeling Prudie.....I've had two phone calls this week from a Sky call centre telling me about what they have to offer.....both calls I could just barely understand!!!
They also couldn't pronounce my surname very well either,and I think it's so easy to say myself. Why don't they employ people who are more articulate when phoning??
It makes my blood boil too!!!
Oh yes, the same goes for TalkTalk, which I am a subscriber of unfortunately......the Call centre people are terribly poor when talking on the phone.
Geeez ,what's the matter with these companies?? I don't want to sound racist,but let's have people who can speak properly over the phone pleeeassse!!!
BT are by far my most hated company to deal with - we left them 5 months ago and they still havent got our final bill right - we ring virtually every week, RIDICULOUS
We had a TalkTalk person on the phone today - they spoke just fine but were so rude - asked to speak to my husband and when I said he wasn't in they just hung up!!
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Thanks and glad you understand. I have had it a lot with broadband problems too when you really need a clearand concise answer or walkthrough. It does make me smile though when they start by giving their incredibly British names!
Another thing I like to add Prudie, is computer Recorded voice messages.....this really makes my blood boil right over the top!!!! Grrrr.....
I needed to talk on the phone about a package that was delivered to my address and was sent back to the deliver depot many miles away.
Apparently, it had the same surname as mine, but was a different address.
Typical, but I queried it using the phone number on the leaflet,and was immediately put through to a recorded message.It took me many attempts to find out what was going on,and I gave up in the instead I sent an email to the depot,and I had an answer the following day.
I loathe recorded messages.When you want to speak to an actual person you never seem to get one.....arrrghhhh!
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I'm with you there as I've had very similar problems recently. it wasn't with the home delivery network (HDNL) was it? While trying to contact them I saw their customer satisfaction rating was 1.4 out of 5 - what company would accept that without trying to do something about it and why does Amazon therefore continue to use them.
No it wasn't was City Link.

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So fuming

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