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waving hands

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deggers316 | 10:00 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
is anyone else driven to distraction by people constantly waving their hands around while talking.
on question time last night Toby Young never uttered one word with out demonstrably waving them about,Dianne Abbots another one,
if find myself annoyingly drawn to watching them so much i dont hear what they have said.


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Too much gesticulation in public annoys me too.
I'm terrible for it. I do actions as I speak.
I must admit, I do it a LOT when I've had a drink or two - I get very animated and dramatic.
Sober I am stiller....
As long as I don't talk about things like yanking I'm ok...!!
I do it too much myself to really notice it in others.
However, I do watch politicians when they are giving speeches to watch how well the 'body language coaches' have taught their pupils.
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we have a friend who does this and we have to ask him to sit on his hands when he's talking to us at times, he doesn't realize he does it lol
They look so fake....the politicians.
Got a vision of you miming yanking now.....!
I'm really bad....seriously.
Clever hands ... this is brilliant ...
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excellent video joggerjayne,now that i can watch.

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waving hands

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