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i wonder if the french have ever heard the phrase.....

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stokemaveric | 22:35 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
''cheats never prosper''


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That result made me smile as well.
I agree on France v Ireland. It didn't stop Argentina with the hand of god though did it.
Maradonna was eventually disgraced though with his drug taking. karma
they're crap at invasions though..........
well not really seen as he's argentina's manager now
He must have given the selectors a good supply.
Well from an Irish persons point of view,really big smile on my face go mexico.
The Nigerian and Greek teams must be the ugliest 22 men I have ever seen in one place.
there were some cute little nigerians
not the bloody mascots 4get....
...and some big cute Greeks!

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i wonder if the french have ever heard the phrase.....

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