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What is your "Thing" that makes you smile right now?

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bigfoot3000 | 15:10 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
We all have one or many, those things that once you think of them your lips instantly part into a smile, is it the fact that your off work till next week, knowing how much is in your bank, remembering something a loved one has told you, only you knowing that whilst you're out shopping you don't have any underwear on?

So what is your thing?


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Nice text messages.
At the minute it is knowing I have a gorgeous man who loves me, and the fact I have a picture of him open on my pc, so every now and then I flick to it and it puts a biiig smile on my face!
although it does make me miss him, and wish the day would hurry up so I could see him at home later!
Nothing right now. I'm off to work in a minute.

But, hearing the 'bubbly' laugh kids make when they are happy always make me smile.
Lots of things to make me smile today -

The fridge is well stocked
My garden smells of roses and lavender
Clean sheets on the bed
My girls are home from school and already laughing ike drains

If my beloved wasn't in bed with a migraine things would be perfect.
What is this "smile" thing you speak of?
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This :)
Haven't you bought your daughter a skipping rope, yet, B00 ?
Errr no? A skipping rope?
I am still smiling over the antics of my 18 month old granddaughter.

She has got into the habit of mimicking me and when I stand hands on hips she does the same!!!! LOL. The little madame.
My nan always makes me smile too. She's so inept, bless her.
i'll get back to you
I keep picturing my two year old grandson posing in front of my full length hall mirror yesterday, it makes me smile every time it pops into my mind. :)
I think the sheer unadulterated pettiness and childishness of certain people.
Just been through molly's 200 odd thread, still smiling!
The fact that my noisy neighbour, who likes very LOUD music is out.
at the moment my nephew picking all the sesame seeds off his burger at lunch yesterday and giving them to his nana so she could grow some more burgers.
Sorry, B00 (if you're still about)..........I meant to hurry along your daughter's impending 'happy event'............
vibes and peri

they make me laugh and cheer me up :-)
Aw ^ that made me smile ( now where did I put my teeth )

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What is your "Thing" that makes you smile right now?

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